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Invitation to Attend the 14th Anniversary Celebration of South Australia Xinjiang Association in Australia Extended to Wang Yang, Ambassador of Xinjiang's Image

时间:2024-03-17     作者:深圳时刻网【原创】

Following the successful series of events in Hong Kong in February this year featuring Wang Yang, the ambassador of Xinjiang Cultural Tourism Promotion, on March 16th, Wang Yang was once again invited to attend the 14th Anniversary Celebration of the establishment of the South Australia Xinjiang Association in Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia, Australia. The event, named the "Golden Age of Dragon Year Festival," aimed to showcase the rich and diverse cultural heritage and artistic treasures of Xinjiang. Through presentations of traditional Xinjiang dances, cuisines, and crafts, the event sought to immerse local residents and guests in a feast of visual and gustatory delights, allowing them to experience the unique charm of Xinjiang culture together.

Reportedly, Wang Yang is the first Xinjiangs leading artist invited to attend the "Golden Age Dragon Year Festival" in Australia since the establishment of the South Australia Xinjiang Association Inc. 14 years ago. Hailing from Puning City, Guangdong Province, Wang Yang was born in Xinjiang. He is a young artist of the new era who loves the Party, the country, and Xinjiang. He has won numerous awards and honors, including the Gold Prize at the China International Art Festival, the Gold Prize at the Asia Music Competition, the Cultural Dialogue Ambassador of the One Belt One Road Initiative, the National Outstanding Youth in Upholding Morality, the National Advanced Individual in Learning from Lei Feng, the Ambassador of Xinjiang Cultural Tourism Promotion, the Ambassador of Xinjiang Science and Culture Communication, and the Public Image Ambassador for Cultural and Art Exchange between South Australia and Xinjiang, among others. Wang Yang previously served as Deputy Secretary-General during his tenure at the Shenzhen Youth Association and made significant contributions to cultural exchanges between Xinjiang and Guangdong, earning him the title of "Cultural Ambassador of Guangdong and Xinjiang."  Wang Yang's representative musical works, including "Xinjiang People," "Gathering," "Spring of Zabayi," and "Hello Urumqi," have garnered widespread popularity with a cumulative online view exceeding 2 billion times. His musical compositions possess profound cultural connotations while being rich in Xinjiang's local cultural elements, featuring lively melodies and catchy lyrics, garnering a large fan base in the global Chinese-speaking community.

At the beginning of the event, Ms. Nian Wei, the president of the South Australia Xinjiang Association, delivered a warm and enthusiastic speech, extending a sincere welcome to artist Wang Yang and the attending guests who travelled from afar. Subsequently, President Nian, along with Consulate-General of Peoples Republic of China in Adelaide, South Australia city councillors, and other presidents of Commerce of Chamber and Chinese associations, jointly presented Wang Yang with a Certificate of Honor as the "Public Image Ambassador for Cultural and Art Exchange between South Australia and Xinjiang". Following the award ceremony, Wang Yang passionately performed his classic musical compositions, including "Xinjiang People," "Gathering," "Spring of Zabayi," and "Taste of Xinjiang," captivating the audience with the rich atmosphere of Xinjiang's music and dance. It was learned that Wang Yang had recently injured his right foot during a charity performance early January this year. Despite his injury, he persisted in visiting Australia for the performance, deeply moving all the attendees. Many devoted fans of Wang Yang, who have admired him for years, came from various parts of Australia and New Zealand to attend the event. They enthusiastically took to the stage to dance alongside Wang Yang, performing joyful Xinjiang dances, elevating the atmosphere of the event to a climax.

Following the main event, additional activities such as the "Xinjiang Cultural and Art Exchange Afternoon Tea" and the "Xinjiang Song and Dance Flash Mob" were held. Wang Yang provided detailed introductions of Xinjiang's cultural landscape, folk customs, and the tremendous changes taking place in Xinjiang to the attending guests and local artists, with a particular focus on promoting Xinjiang's cultural tourism characteristics. Accompanied by President Nian and others, Wang Yang engaged in friendly exchanges with numerous Australian entrepreneurs, celebrities, and artists, as well as visiting various large-scale Chinese enterprises and cultural institutions. These interactions laid the groundwork for preliminary cooperation intentions between Xinjiang and Australia in several commercial, cultural, and tourism projects.

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The South Australia Xinjiang Association is an important Chinese community organization at the forefront of multicultural exchanges in Australia. Established 14 years ago, it has been committed to promoting cultural diversity, providing social support for new immigrants, and actively promoting cultural exchanges between China and Australia. Through its extensive social activities and profound cultural influence, it has garnered widespread recognition and support from all sectors of society.


Located in Adelaide, the South Australia Xinjiang Association serves not only as a platform for community service and friendship promotion but also as a hub for business cooperation and cultural dissemination. Through a series of carefully designed activities such as cultural festivals, educational seminars, and business exchange meetings, it aims to provide a stage for its members to showcase Xinjiang culture and promote personal and business development.


Ms. Nian Wei, the president of the South Australia Xinjiang Association, has demonstrated outstanding professionalism and leadership in promoting Chinese-Australian cultural exchanges, providing immigration and education services, and conducting international business consultations. She is dedicated to building effective bridges for cultural and economic exchanges, strengthening Xinjiang's ties with the international community, and providing strategic guidance and professional advice for individuals and enterprises, thereby promoting cultural diversity and business development.

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